
My biggest achievement has been competing internationally in my sport. Archery may not be prevalent in most Americans’ lives, but it is in mine.

This August, I had the opportunity to compete at the World Archery Field Championships (WAFC) in Zagreb, Croatia. This was no small feat; I had to compete in the National Championships and place well enough to qualify for Worlds and also raise the funds for the trip.

The national qualifier was an excellent preparation. Imitating the types of set up we could be shooting in Worlds, we shot at all sorts of angles and various lighting conditions. The WAFC was a new experience for me, and I had very little idea of what I was going into, but I was used to that by then.

I was unprepared for even the national competition. I had signed up with the mentality that I wouldn’t make the cut for Worlds, and so I decided to just enjoy shooting. As fate would have it, my relaxation allowed me to focus and shoot well.

I shot well at Worlds, and almost made it to the elimination brackets. The experience was great and I had an amazing time. I would certainly do it again if I had the chance.

5 thoughts on “Braggin

  1. Oh my gosh! This is amazing! It’s so cool to learn about my classmates’ interests and hobbies, and I definitely don’t know anyone who’s good at (or even participates in) ARCHERY. Like, I can barely even throw tennis balls… That’s definitely something to be proud of, especially if you got to compete in the World Archery Field Championships! Keep up the good work.


  2. Thanks so much! I really enjoy the sport, it’s become more than just a hobby. It’s a part of who I am. I am currently employed at an archery shop in Bryan. I have terrible hand-eye coordination, it’s one of the reasons I started archery hehe.


  3. Whoa. (Or is it “woah?”) I had no idea such a contest even existed. Of course, I never would have denied it, but to go to Croatia (eek, I still smell the scary, but I bet it was gorgeous) to compete with all the Robin Hoods of Europe sounds intense. Now it’s my turn to brag: there’s a world-class archer kid in my AP English class. Cool.


    • I feel the same way about so many things. There are words inside of worlds on this amazing planet we live on. Would it not be amazing to experience it all? One of my goals in life is to do as many things as possible and just live freely. It was a little frightening going to Croatia, but the little I did see of the country was beautiful.


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